Friday, September 2, 2011

Just The Facts Ma'm....part deux

A year ago last April I reported a very different set of facts click here

I like the following ones a hell of a lot better.
As of today:
Catscan- clear
Petscan- clear
Colonoscopy- no polyps found
Biopsy from Colonoscopy - negative
Bloodwork - back to normal

It's official No Evidence Of Disease.

This is what I was waiting for...

Thank you Universe! I am profoundly grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I know CAT scans and PET scans are serious things, but every single time I think of them, I imagine one of your kitties waving a glowing magic wand over you. I'm betting Dr. Jasper would have an excellent bedside manner, earnest and compassionate.
