Tuesday, July 20, 2010



That's a strong word.
And one that works.
I am happy to have just returned from the surgeon's and my TUMOR IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's a small scar where it used to be.
I am profoundly, profoundly grateful.

I owe Team Fuck Off my life, and my medical team as well.

Now I believe...I'll go have a celebratory drink with the team..I am hugging each and everyone of you in person. Multiple, multiple times. And even those who can't be with us tonite...I am hugging you mentally, multiple, multiple times.

I dearly love you all. I love my life, I love life period.
And you.

You better believe it!!!!

B-L-O-G-G-E-D Down

Well hello gentle reader, we haven't seen much of each other lately have we?

And here's why, tomorrow...yes tomorrow is a BIG day. I find out from my surgeon (via a sonogram I'm hoping) just what outcome the radiation and chemo had on my tumor.

There's a 25% chance that it's disappeared completely.

So the question of the day is "Do you feel lucky?"
My answer is "Yes I do".

But in the spirit of staying positive today is not the day to write about my last three weeks of recovery of what I had to go through to get to this day. Because truth be told it was AWFUL.

I am just now feeling back to my normal self...well I won't say normal..but I will say I feel better.

I quit drinking Coke. Yeah...I did. And that was such a part of how I defined this good ole' southern gal that I am having a little identity issue lately. I trust this too shall pass...maybe I'll find out I was really a Bostonion or SoCal Beach babe all these years instead...wouldn't that be something?

So here's a request to the Universe...to you...to anyone you know, to anyone who's listening...PLEASE send some positive energy my way tomorrow.

I have taken to envisioning my rectum as a beautiful golden pipe! Join me in that would you!? Shining, healthy, whole and gleaming!!

Send me some positive energy and say it with me...I am healthy and cancer FREE!!!
My appointment with the surgeon is at 3:00 PM tomorrow.
Let's see what a difference some directed positive energy can make.

I've accomplished many things in my life by doing that...but I think this is the most important one by far.

Because Yes "I feel LUCKY!!"
But I will also take all the help I can get...