Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bedside Manor...

Still rocking it...even though it's horizontaly...

I'm in the middle of my 5th round...only two more to go after this one. My hand and foot issues have gotten better because I slather on "Miracle Hand Repair" (even better than Udder Budder!!) every 30 minutes. But it's worked beyond belief, it's 60% aloe formula has been the only thing to take the heat out of my hands. the fatigue though? Through the roof...I think my sleep time has extended to about 16 hours a day. Basically, sleep, get up , eat, take meds, spend 15 minutes making pithy comments on facebook, go to sleep...repeat.

Quite the challenge to live your life from a bed...

I have systematically accrued everything I needed to manage the household and myself from the small wicker tables beside my bed...although the amount and sheer volume I've amassed would blow your mind...but something to keep in mind if you or someone you know has cancer...any or all items could be a godsend to them.

I was bored today (imagine that) so I made a list...all of this and I do mean ALL is directly to my right.--->

- 1 lamp and three small wicker tables

Communication items:
- one iPod, one work computer (for the once a week I can make myself delete the HUNDREDS of e-mails, so I won't be overwhelmed when I go back to work..) One secure ID, My iPad (the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing in this journey, I'd be lost and disconnected without it! thanks again to my P&G Auxiliary!!!), One Zagg computer keyboard so I can type more easily, remotes for the TV and DVD player, phone, phone charger and iPad case.

- One medicine box (so I can lay out what I'm taking each day so I don't under or overdose), A bottle each of Tums, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Flintstones chewable with iron and a bottle of gummy vitamins to be healthy, Diphen/atropine, Hycosamine and Pepcid AC to keep the stomach pain at bay, alprazolam, ambien, elavil (which I have never even cracked)to sleep. 2 bottles of Xeloda big AND small pills (my chemo), 2 bottles of Motrin and a bottle of Advil, 2 bags of Hall's healthy immunity w/ zinc. Polysporin.

Beauty Stuff
- Cuticle scissors, toenail clippers, brush, comb, 3 lip balms, peppermint and spearmint essential oils, 3 various bottles of hand sanitizer, Cocoa Butter hand cream, Aquaphor, Shea Body Butter (2 jars), foot cooling gel, Crema Mani from Italy (a gorgeous lemon basil scented hand and lip balm) a nail file, 2 Bottles, 3 jars (one with shea butter and one with urea), 1 hand pump, all of Udder Budder cream, 5 tubes of Miracle Hand Repair, and 3 tubes of Aveeno Intense relief hand cream. 1 tin of J.R. Watkins cuticle salve (smells yummy!) 2 boxes of tissue. 2 hair scrunchies and a clip for my hair.

Things to keep me occupied:
- 12 skeins of yarn, 1 crochet hook and a pair of scissors,8 scarves that I have crocheted, 4 drawing notebooks, pastels, pencils, pens, magic markers, crayons, 2 drawing books (Drawing on the right side of the brain being one of those - Highly recommended!) watercolors. (All of which I have only used twice because I have the attention span if a gnat. *sigh*) About 20 books, 3/4 read so far..and a "fighting bug' motorized ladybug and 10 catnip mousies to amuse the kitties. And assorted magazines.

- One box of Pepperidge Farm Bordeaux cookies, a bag of Sweet tarts, a bag of Hershey kisses (both valentine editions) a bag of Godiva peppermint truffles, one lone candy cane leftover from Christmas, One Fanny May mint meltaway, 2 boxes of gum and a caffeine free Coke w/ straw.

- One bag of large marshmallows (for when I change my bag), assorted pieces of mail, my purse, my Uggs, one gallon of water, plastic cups, One gallon of apple cider vinegar to take the heat out of my hands and feet, a pack of cigarettes, ashtray and 3 or 4 lighters, (I know, I know, I'm quitting after my final surgery...) 6 or 7 candles, from pumpkin to vanilla, because I can't use a lighter when my hands are bad, a trashcan (which needs emptying like 3 times a day...) a lint roller, loose change, a backscratcher, a Bed Buddy sinus pack I can heat up or cool when I get a headache, plastic bags for the trashcan, a hand fan for when the hotflashes hit, a pad of paper and a pen. One wicker box I can turn over and use as a table, and one dirty 3 cats.

And might I add all in a 3 X 3 foot space. And this doesn't even take into account all the books and DVDs.

OK listing all that stuff made me tired, I'm going back to bed...