Fuck you cancer, TRULY.
I refuse to dignify or give you any credence by calling you the "Big C"....you miserable little fuck, I want to you to slink quickly away down the dark hell infested alley you nastily burbled up from, away from those I love, I work with, those I don't even know.
I really am mad as hell...mad I can't seem to find my life spirit I so desperately need because every single day I get hit with it again, and again, and again...a friend who's son just got diagnosed with leukemia, a co-worker who's husband just found stage 4 lung cancer, a man fighting bladder cancer as he walks his daughter down the aisle, a very dear, talented amazing friend who died...yes, left the earth at 31 to breast cancer just a few weeks ago. I hate this disease.
Every time I hear that word again, the newest diagnoses I cry.
Because now I have to live for those who can't.
And it's so hard...so very hard when you can't rise above the sadness.
And not only do I see it in the people who are diagnosed and die...I see it in the shitty food we eat, the chemicals that surround us, the air and water that are far from what they should be. The now constant elevated stress levels we ALL are dealing with in terms of lost jobs, constant company reorganizations, too little money, homes being taken away, our monetary and political systems that are failing...stress, stress and more stress.
The body and mind can take only so much...and cancer is the price that's paid.
Every single statistic is a brother, sister, mother, father, lover, husband, best friend. Someone who is loved deeply, made a difference and will be missed beyond belief.
By 2020...a mere 8 years away 40% of people will have or have had this disease. DIS-EASE.
1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women.
You or someone you know and love will deal with the disfiguring surgery to cut away body and body parts, the ingestion of poison to get one step ahead..or not, the lost work, the lost life, the fear, the radiation, the lost wages, the lost home, the loss of well...everything.
And even if you beat it...you fear it will return. Miserable little fuck that it is.
So shine the light. Educate yourself and others. Get regular check ups..if something is not quite right, trust your instincts and find out what's going on. Donate. Eat right and encourage others to do the same. Keep those vices in moderation, or get rid of them once and for all...and fight, fight, fight, fight HARD to make the world a more loving, balanced, healthy stress free place to be.
Because I don't know how much more I can take.
but..."I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore".
And I hope you feel the same way.
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Beth, your life spirit is right here, as strong as ever, in your willingness to fight and encourage others to do the same. You haven't just beaten cancer, you've put an enormous amount of work into making every aspect of your life healthier. I know you've inspired me to make positive changes in my own life, and I'm sure you're doing the same for others. Looks like your work as Commander in Chief of TFO isn't done yet, and we're right here with you in this fight.