Wednesday, January 12, 2011


OK started round 4 yesterday.
Feeling good so far. Stocked up. Made some good food, went to Kroger's, went to the DR.

Now to bed for two weeks..
Kind of glad the weather's been crappy, because it makes me feel less bad about not going anywhere...I just pretend I'm on one loooong.....snow day.

On the agenda for this two week lay in?
Crocheting, checking my e-mail and facebook. Updating my blogs. Finishing up the last season of Ugly Betty, (before I go on to starting Dexter)...slathering Udder Budder on hands and feet every hour on the hour...(can you tell I'm losing my mind?)

Wish I was doing something more a lay in for peace or something.
But I guess fighting for my life is as noble a cause right now.

Still rocking it....horizontally.


  1. Why not think of it as a lay in for peace between your body and cancer? You and KP could get some TV crews out to your bedside, a la John and Yoko ... with the added bonus of kitty freedom fighters. Or perhaps the kitties could play the roles of the three other Beatles. (Smokey is definitely a Ringo type!)

  2. You are SO right...Smokey is the Ringo type!

  3. And it was complicated...but closest I figured Jasper would be Paul and Lola would be John...I know it appears the other way at first...but the details decided.
